What is a QBWC1085 error?
Before you start troubleshooting the QuickBooks QBWC1085 error, we think it's a good idea to learn a little about the QuickBooks online connection. The Web Connector is a Microsoft program that provides rapid and smooth data transfer between QuickBooks Desktop and QBO hosted on the web. Like any other piece of software, the web connector is susceptible to faults and failures. This web connector for Windows users is a web-based tool that allows online services to exchange data with QuickBooks desktop products.
What is a QBWC1085 error?
Before you start troubleshooting the QuickBooks QBWC1085 error, we think it's a good idea to learn a little about the QuickBooks online connection. The Web Connector is a Microsoft program that provides rapid and smooth data transfer between QuickBooks Desktop and QBO hosted on the web. Like any other piece of software, the web connector is susceptible to faults and failures. This web connector for Windows users is a web-based tool that allows online services to exchange data with QuickBooks desktop products.
What is a QBWC1085 error?
Before you start troubleshooting the QuickBooks QBWC1085 error, we think it's a good idea to learn a little about the QuickBooks online connection. The Web Connector is a Microsoft program that provides rapid and smooth data transfer between QuickBooks Desktop and QBO hosted on the web. Like any other piece of software, the web connector is susceptible to faults and failures. This web connector for Windows users is a web-based tool that allows online services to exchange data with QuickBooks desktop products.
How good is QuickBooks Desktop Support?
The QuickBooks desktop support is typically excellent. There are times when the initial representative isn't very educated, but I've always been able to escalate the issue and have it fixed. I've found Intuit to be highly responsive to comments, and they've responded swiftly to any support concerns I've raised. There are often long wait periods for phone and chat help (Monday mornings are a frequent example), but if you have a Diamond Level ProAdvisor, they can receive priority support for the issue.
Users may utilize the QuickBooks Remote Access feature to access QuickBooks from any computer with an internet connection. It's an add-on product from Intuit that uses Cisco WebEx technology. It can connect to the remote machine where QuickBooks Desktop was installed. You can print locally, view data files, and copy directories between remote and local PCs with this application.
This approach allows customers to access not only QuickBooks files, but also essentially the whole computer, generally on a subscription basis.