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  • Social Media Marketing - A Free Smart Solution

    If you are like me, you want to make money online and work from home. I've got a toddler under two at home and the idea of paying someone else to watch her so I can NOT make enough money to pay my bills at some zero-future job...well, it just kills me. You hear others make money online and work from...
  • The Art of Comic Illustration

    Who doesn't love comic books? We all do. Whether super hero comics, kids comics, comic jokes, or what have you everybody enjoys a great time reading comic illustrations Manga. Comics help the readers imagine things and images, the text is often short allowing very easy reading, these illustrated mat...
  • If Not Money, Then What?

    I'm going to subtitle this article: "The Rest of the Story," because as I sit here I realize that I really love many of the non-check benefits of MLM. These benefits sometimes cost money --- lots of money --- but not for me.   You see, our company picks up the tab on two, all-expense-paid, in...
  • Video Game Designer Jobs - 3 Techniques to Stand Out and Get Hi

    Is there a secret to getting a video game designer job? Is it attending the right game design schools? Hobnobbing at game industry networking events? Camping outside the offices of your favorite video game company? Getting incriminating blackmail photos of the Creative Director from the holiday Chri...
  • Craps Offers Colorful History And Loads Of Fun

    Craps is one of the most exciting games you will find in many casinos. A hot table will draw a crowd in no time flat and this game can be as much fun to watch as it can be to participate. Many people in the past who have wanted to try online casinos have held back for fear that craps would lose some...