"Yeh Rishta Kya Kehlata Hai," a long-running Indian television drama that debuted in 2009, continues to win hearts with its timeless tale and ensemble cast. Rajan Shahi's show concentrates around the lives of its primary characters and delves into the complexities of relationships in a traditional yet developing Indian household.
The Cast:
Mohsin Khan (Kartik Goenka): Portrays the male lead, adding depth to the character of Kartik, a modern yet rooted individual.
Shivangi Joshi (Naira Singhania): Plays the female lead, Naira, bringing a perfect blend of tradition and modernity to her character.
Karan Mehra (Naitik Singhania): Initially played a pivotal role as the patriarch of the Singhania family.
Hina Khan (Akshara Singhania): Portrayed the matriarch, leaving an indelible mark on the early years of the show.
Other Key Members: The ensemble cast includes actors like Lata Sabharwal, Ali Hasan, Swati Chitnis, and Sachin Tyagi, contributing to the rich tapestry of characters.
The Story:
"Yeh Rishta Kya Kehlata Hai" unfolds as an engrossing family drama, centering on Kartik and Naira's journey. The story spans generations, delving into love, sacrifice, and cultural norms. The show is well-known for addressing current challenges while remaining grounded in Indian traditions. It has successfully addressed topics including arranged marriages, generational disputes, and the changing role of women in society.
The serial's long-lasting appeal can be credited to its ability to find a balance between contemporary storytelling and cultural ethos. It has kept the audience's attention with surprising twists and turns while retaining the essence of familial relationships. The show's general appeal stems from its investigation of many relationships, including parent-child dynamics and marriage connections.
"Yeh Rishta Kya Kehlata Hai" exemplifies the enduring power of compelling storytelling in Indian television. With a great cast and a narrative that grows with the times, the play remains a fan favorite, connecting with audiences of all ages. Its success stems from its ability to perfectly merge tradition and current storytelling, resulting in a timeless love and family saga.
Harshad Chopda and Pranali Rathod, who portrayed the adored characters Abhimanyu and Akshara in the hit television series "Yeh Rishta Kya Kehlata Hai " said goodbye.