Square will make a hardware wallet for bitcoin, ดาวน์โหลด slotxo company hardware leader Jesse Dorogusker announced Thursday. Twitter CEO Jack Dorsey had said in June that the company was considering building it, and Square has now decided to "make a hardware wallet for bitcoin." move on
“We have decided to create hardware wallets and services to make bitcoin more mainstream,” Dorogusker said. “We will continue to openly ask and answer questions. The response of this community to our topic regarding this project has been excellent. Both encouraging, generous and cooperating. and inspiring.
Dorsey hasn't revealed his interest in Bitcoin, his Twitter profile says only “#bitcoin.” He flaunts a bitcoin watch while testifying before Congress. And he also said he would have worked with bitcoin if he hadn't worked at Square and Twitter,
so it's no surprise Square's efforts will be more towards hardware wallets for digital currenciesThis hardware wallet won't be Square's first cryptocurrency-focused product. You can now buy and sell bitcoin from Square's Cash app.
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