Best Online Therapy NYC - Counseling in NYC - THE COLLABORATIVE

  • August 25, 2020 3:24 PM EDT

    The Collaborative NYC
    Welcome to The Collaborative, a holistic, experiential psychotherapy practice in Greenwich Village NYC.


    Teens Therapy

    They draw in - reaching deep for a way to both accept and re-invent themselves at the same time. This kind of self-reflection is complex
    and takes enormous energy. Teens feel pressure to take control of their lives, to make their own decisions, to cope with the ways the world
    meets them (for better or worse). But, often the social, emotional or practical skills needed are still out of reach.

    Couples Therapy

    Conflict: Will it bring us closer or tear us apart?

    Early in our relationship therapy, our similarities and differences fuel attraction, enrich our lives and deepen our connection to one
    another. Over time, without conscious work, these same traits can slip into reactive patterns of attack or withdrawal, a painful cycle that
    often feels outside of our control and works against our best intentions.

    Individuals Therapy

    Therapy is for everyone.
    You don’t need to have a big problem to talk with a therapist. Taking time to explore your inner life should be the most ordinary thing in
    the world. Modern life is complex and stressful. Taking care of both our mental and physical health is essential.