instant keto okay John Freddy you chat we're afraid

    • 1 posts
    April 18, 2020 8:06 AM EDT

    instant keto okay John Freddy you chat we're afraid of you you guys are scary you guys are scary today this is a nice nice this is sick dude fuck you dude okay what we gonna do here okay what do we do first right first you flex wait why are you bigger than me I'm actually massive I'm so stoned during I'm you wait what so stone why from what you want a competition who can run first we are having a competition okay let's go March 28,000 the case you scared run do right now let's run yeah I back and beat you you want to put some better I'm battling I bet if I win I want the plants treat okay true and what have you and then I banned all my subs deal good boy good boy let them run for 20 minutes straight 20 minutes I this is gonna be a long fucking run why are you running like an empty seat because I'm gonna win you guys have to run to the same speed to make it fair 5.5 what is your selling is breaking [Music] all right [Music] oh you're playing pong I don't know what the heroes know again maybe like 15 must be live he's gone close close okay he's in his twenties for sure my feelings serious thank you I'm 29 29 I'm the oldest I do this I do the same thing as them but today I'm their camera guy I'm bigger than their on on Twitter