New You Keto: Do Not Buy Exposed Its Harm Effects

    • 1 posts
    February 1, 2020 7:38 AM EST

    new you keto turkey sandwich like turkey breast the actual cut of the braces that look like chicken braids not like deli meat and like cook that you have to have affect the fact or light margarine like mayonnaise or olive oil a teaspoon daily so I would do like light mayonnaise and just put that on my bread with the turkey and maybe either some spinach or lettuce to like even on my vegetables or whatever so make sure I got all day today so that's kind of the meal plan I made for myself for tomorrow and like I said I got to do that a week with no beef can we just have a moment of silence for all the soul food on my thermistor but I gotta get in shape health reason you know just me one just to be better in shape regardless somebody else maybe want to do that but I have a full list of like all the stuff that I can eat like beef you can't eat more than twice a week and you can't eat it back-to-back so like Monday and Tuesday I couldn't have 


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