So I'm planning my first DIY elk hunt and trying to educate myself. But one question that I haven't really seen discussed much is where to set up camp.
Sept, 7 day hunt, carrying everything on our backs. Just trying to be mobile until we can get into elk...
Setting low in the basin seems to me like it would be a sure way to bump the elk out of a possible feeding area. And setting high I would think thermals would pull your scent down and ruin the basin also.
So what are some strategies to camp locations?
Don't you feel sorry for the poor animals?
Here are some conditions for the place: safety: from people, animals, weather and terrain conditions; access to clean water, use it for cooking, drinking, bathing; the presence of firewood in abundance; communication opportunities: road, emergency transport, and so on, this list can be continued for a very long time, and in fact, so it’s better to read about it on the Internet, I listed the main ones here. The choice of will also be an important factor. I recommend wool clothing - it has exceptional thermal properties, keeping your body warm. Boots are the preferred footwear because they protect your feet and have better grip on the soles.