Parents must have to be aware of surgical problems in children as if those reported in time, complications associated with those problems can be avoided. Newborns also suffer from surgical problems since birth. Those problems can be repaired if reported in time and the life of baby can be saved. So here are some common surgical problems parents should understand about.
1) Hernia - Inguinal hernia is very much common in children. Most of time it is present since birth but not recognised till there is swelling over inguinal region.
In inguinal hernia, there is protrusion on abdominal content like intestines through inguinal canal present in the inguinal region, due to which there is swelling in the inguinal region. If the intestinal loops get trapped in that canal then it will become emergency and it need to be reported urgenly. Inguinal hernia is eight time more common in boys then girls.
Umblical hernia is very much common in newborn babys but they get corrected with time and if it is not corrected in 2 years then it need to be operated.
2) Hydrocele - Hydrocele is the collection of watery fluid in the scrotal sac. It may be present since birth. If there is communication of inguinal canal present then the swelling over the scrotum increase and decrease with time. such hydrocele is known as communicating hydrocele.
In some infants it decreases with time so surgery is not needed. If the swelling does not subside after 1 year of age then you must consult pediatric surgeon.
3) Abscess - Abscess is collection of pus anywhere in the body. It can happen after any injury or infection. If the swelling due to the abscess is very much large then it need to be incised to drain the pus inside. After incision, there will be instant pain relief.
Most frequently abscess can be formed at the site of intramascular injection.
4) Undescended testis - Most commonly undescended testis is not reported in time and if reported by parents due to some misconceptions like it will descend as age will increase, they ignore it and their baby testis gets lost.
Undescended testis surgery must between 6 month to 1 year of age. If surgery is done in time then testis can be saved and reproductive ability of baby also saved.
5) Imperforate anus - It is an absense of anal opening in newborn which is one of the emergency as the baby will not able to pass stool. At such time baby need urgent surgery to create other way to pass stool out and this procedure is known as colostomy. Such babies need three surgeries at the gap of 2-3 months.
There surgeries are colostomy, anorectoplasty and colostomy closure. After those three surgeries baby can pass stool from anal opening.
6) Foreign body in esophagus - Most of time time children ingest coin or bees or any other objects which gets trapped in the esophagus. so it will lead to dysphagia and vomiting. at such time if the object is trapped in the esophagus then it need to be removed with the help of esophagoscopy.
Esophagoscopy is the procedure in which the esophagoscope is introduced in the esophagus to remove the foreign body impacted in the esophagus.
7) Intussusception - In intussusception, there is telescoping of one part of intestine in other part of intestine. Most commonly small intestine telescopes inside the large intestine due to which there is formation of gangrene in the part of intestine. If it is reported in time it can be managed without surgery by hydrostatic reduction of intussusception.
If such patient is reported after 24 hour then laparotomy is surgery of choice. So reporting in time can save morbidity of sugery in such child.
Parents must avoid false misconceptions so that their baby will not suffer from any trauma. So parents need to be alert while taking care of their children. Proper pediatric surgeon care is very much essential as your baby is going through surgical procedure.
If you have any concern about such problems or for more details, you can contact us on