If you expose yourselfthe unreal will die, isbound to die, becausethe unreal cannotremain in the open.It can remain only insecrecy, it can remainonly in darkness.If you go on exposing yourself, in the beginning it is going to be really very scary, but soon you will start gaining strength because once the truth is exposed it becomes stronger and the untruth dies.And with the truth becoming stronger you become rooted, you become centered.Personality is bogus, individuality is substantial.Personality is just a facade, individuality is your truth.Personality is social sophistication, social polishing.Individuality is raw, wild, strong, with tremendous power.But the fear is natural because from the very childhood you have been taught falsities, and you have become so much identified with the false that to drop it almost looks like committing suicide.And the fear arises because a great identity crisis arises.For fifty years, sixty years, you have been a certain kind of person.Who knows if you will be able to complete it or not?You may lose your old identity and you may not have time enough, energy enough, courage enough to attain to a new identity.So are you going to die without an identity?Are you going to live in the last phase of your life without an identity?One thinks, Now it is okay to go on for a few days more.It is better to live with the old, the familiar, the secure, the convenient. You have become skillful about it.And it has been a great investment, you have put sixty years of your life into it.Somehow you have managed, somehow you have created an idea of who you are, and now I tell you to drop that idea because you are not that!Personality is bogus,individuality issubstantival.Personality is just afacade, individuality isyour truth.Personality is imposedfrom the outside, it isa persona, a mask.No idea is needed to know yourself.In fact, all ideas have to be dropped, only then can you know who you are.Don’t condemn it, and don’t feel that it is something wrong.It is just part of this whole social upbringing.But soon you will learn the taste of the truth, and you will be surprised that all those sixty years have been a sheer wastage.Your old identity will be lost, you will have a totally new conception.It will not really be an identity but a new vision, a new way of seeing things, a new perspective.That is not an identity because you are not in it.If you can risk the false, the truth can be yours.And it is worth it, because you risk only the false and you gain the truth.You risk nothing and you gain all.I have discovered that I am just bored with myself and I feel no juice.You have said to accept ourselves, whatever we are.I am not able to accept life, knowing that I am missing something of joy inside.Try it, try it, and try it again, and then stop because there is no point in being silly.Everybody else knows it except themselves.Have you seen any buffalo bored, any donkey bored?But don’t stop there.Why does one feel bored?One feels bored because one has been living in dead patterns given to you by others.Renounce those patterns, come out of those patterns!Start living on your own.Do it, irrespective of the results, and your boredom will disappear.You must be following others’ ideas, you must be doing things in a right way, you must be doing things as they should be done.These are the foundation stones of boredom.The whole of humanity is bored because the person who would have been a mystic is a mathematician, the person who would have been a mathematician is a politician, the person who would have been a poet is a businessman.Boredom can disappear in a single moment if you are ready to risk.I feel no juice. How to feel juice?Juice flows only when you are doing the thing that you wanted to do, whatsoever it is.Vincent Van Gogh was immensely happy just painting.Not a single painting was sold, nobody ever appreciated him, and he was hungry, he was dying.He had to fast for those four days because otherwise, from where was he going to get his canvases and paints and brushes?The day he finished a painting of the sunset, which had been his longest desire, he wrote a letter saying, My work is done, I am fulfilled.I am leaving this world immensely contented. He committed suicide, but I will not call it suicide.He lived totally, he burned life’s candle from both ends together in tremendous intensity.Do it,irrespective of theresults, and yourboredom willdisappear.You may live a hundred years but your life will be just a dry bone, a weight, dead weight.You say, You have said to accept ourselves, whatever we are.But you must have interpreted it in your own way.The Martian landed his saucer in Manhattan and, immediately upon emerging, was approached by a panhandler.Mister, said the man, can I have a dime?The Martian asked, What’s a dime?The panhandler thought a minute, then said, You’re right.Can I have a quarter?I have not said what you have understood.Accept your innermost core that you have brought from the beyond and then you will not feel that you are missing something.The moment you accept yourself without any conditions, suddenly an outburst of joy happens.Your juices start flowing, life really becomes ecstatic.A certain young man’s friends thought he was dead, but he was only in a state of coma.When just in time to avoid being buried he showed signs of life, he was asked how it felt to be dead.I knew all the time what was goin’ on.And I knew I wasn’t dead, too, because my feet were cold and I was hungry.But how did that fact make you think you were still alive? asked one of the curious.Just get up and do a little jogging!A poor man, lacking education and all social graces, fell in love with the daughter of a millionaire.She invited him home to meet her parents at their elegant mansion.The girl’s father looked up and stared at his dog that was lying at the poor man’s feet.Rover! he said in a menacing tone.The poor man was relieved that the blame had been put on the dog, and so a few minutes later he farted again.His host looked at the dog and again said, Rover! in a louder voice.A few minutes later he farted a third time.The rich man’s face wrinkled in rage.It only needs a little courage, just a little courage of the gambler.And there is nothing to lose, remember.What else is there to lose?You must have lived an irresponsible life, fulfilling all kinds of responsibilities which others are expecting you to fulfill.What is there to lose?You are missing the juice, what more do you need to get out of the prison?Jump out of it, don’t look back!Think twice before you jump.Jump first and then think as much as you want!Accept it, let it be there.Tremble with fear but don’t reject this space that is being born there.Within two or three weeks you will be able to feel its beauty, you will be able to feel its benediction.Once you have touched that benediction, fear will disappear on its own accord.You are not to fight with it.Be responsible–andwhen I use the wordresponsible, pleaseremember not tomisinterpret it.