What to Bring When Meeting an Idaho Falls Personal Injury Attor

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    After a personal injury of any kind, it's important to seek the advice of an Idaho Falls Personal Injury Attorney before talking to the opposing party's insurance company or accepting any type of settlement. It's far too easy to end up saying something that can be taken out of context and used against the victim in court or to end up accepting a settlement that's far below what's needed to financially recover from the incident. When meeting with the attorney for the first time, there are a few things to bring.

    Written Description of the Incident

    As soon as possible after the accident, write down what happened. Include as many details as possible, as it's likely these details will be forgotten in the days and months after the incident occurs. The Personal Injury Lawyer may request a summary during the consultation, but they will read through the description of the incident if they're hired, and the information provided can help build a solid case.

    Any Witness Information

    If there were any witnesses to the incident, bring their contact information. If the lawyer is hired to handle the case, they will need to speak with witnesses to get an idea of what happened and how the accident occurred. This could be pivotal in some personal injury cases and make a difference in how much money is obtained.

    Any Potential Evidence

    Idaho Falls Personal Injury Attorneys will want to take a look at any potential evidence their client will have. This includes photographs of the area after the accident, video footage of the incident, if available, as well as medical bills, evidence of damages done, and anything else that can help build a case. The attorney will likely ask about other types of evidence that are common and if they may be available.

    A List of Questions

    At the consultation, have a list of questions ready to ask the attorney. This can include questions about how the case might proceed, if there's enough to get a settlement, what the settlement will include, and how the attorney will be paid. In the days leading to the consultation, write down any potential question so that nothing is forgotten when talking to the attorney.

    If you've been involved in a personal injury incident and you'd like to make sure you receive compensation for any injuries or damages sustained, it's a good idea to speak with an Idaho Falls Personal Injury Attorney as soon as possible. Prepare the items listed here and set up a consultation now to learn more about your case.