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Useful Tips and Tricks for LinkedIn Ads

  • The Pinpoint Technique is one of the most effective ways of boosting and improving ROI, especially for LinkedIn ads. However, the effectiveness of this method can be increased when it is combined with other strategies. In this article, you will find some of the tips that you can use to supercharge and improve your linkedin ads, so read on to find out more about these tips.


    Video First

    From professional experience, it is observed that, in general, image ads do not perform well enough in conversions and also in click-through rates. Video ads, on the other hand, tend to be more attractive, thereby driving in more attention to allow individuals to convey more information about the ads and their offers. Therefore, it is advisable to use video ads, and when using them, it is recommended that they should be used alongside subtitles and text, especially for videos with sound. It is worth mentioning that you don’t need to pay for animated explainer videos. You also don’t need to send out a crew to film testimonials. You can utilize stock templates or slideshow videos, all of which are readily available on Lumen5, Animoto, and Canva.


    5 Ways LinkedIn Advertising Is Different from Other Social Platforms


    Game the Algorithm

    One thing to always remember is that the click cost reduces as the engagement increases. You’ll be familiar with this if you’ve ever run Facebook ads before. This is often referred to as a relevancy score, and for ads that get a lot of comments and likes, such ads are regarded to be relevant to the audience, and as such, they are cheaper to run, compared to ads that do not get as many likes and comments. One useful app that you can utilize is Podawaa, and with this, you can be part of different LinkedIn engagement pods. The aim of these pods is to make it easier for users to engage with their different content. Therefore, whenever your ad goes live, all you need to do is to instruct your pod to boost your engagement. This is a sure way of increasing ROI.


    Bidding and Retargeting

    Bidding is also important for clicks. Whenever you get a click on your CTA, it shows that the person is interested in your product. With this, it becomes possible to create cohorts comprising of people who have interacted with your campaigns in the past, and this is for retargeting. The aim is to make it easier to hone prospective clients. It is also recommended to always set manual bidding rather than letting the campaign manager do the bidding for you. You can set the bidding based on your data. For example, when you don’t get enough clicks, you might want the bid to go up a bit. It is best to employ this strategy till you have a sweet spot.

    Retargeting is also a short process, and it makes it possible for users to capture people that don’t convert. This is important, especially if you’d be sending landing pages to your users.