Buying Guide For Tuba Musical Instrument

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    Looking for the best Tuba instrument to buy? Here is a list of things to consider before deciding to choose to buy a tuba musical instrument.


    Weight -


    How much does a tuba weigh? The tuba, we have strongly emphasized this point, is a heavy and bulky instrument. Depending on whether you want to use it sitting or standing, in an orchestra or a marching band, you will need to think carefully about how much weight you can support. There are even supports for playing seated without having to rest the instrument on your lap.


    Morphology -


    Once again, you have to think about how you want to use it. If you play with a bang, some models like the sousaphone may be more suitable since they can be placed on the shoulder and leave you free to play while walking. Other models, more compact, can also be considered if you are small or for children.


    The sounds -


    What do you want to play? If you are looking for smooth, deep, very low notes, you need a Bb tuba. Fortunately, this is one of the most common. But if you want higher notes, you will have to go up to the tubas in C, or even in F! There are many possibilities, which we have not all presented here, but which you will easily find at your merchants.


    Quality -


    This is very simple advice, but very important. By quality we mean build quality. A tuba is very expensive, and if it is of poor quality, you may quickly regret your investment. By opting for recognized brands like the ones listed above, you can choose with peace of mind. It is possible to choose less qualitative instruments if you just want to try your hand at tuba, by comparing the prices offered by the sellers, sometimes well above the real value of the object.


    The main questions you ask yourself about the tuba


    Tuba, trumpet, trombone… What are the differences?


    It is common for novices to confuse the different brass instruments. However, the visual and sound differences are numerous! The paper clip is the easiest to recognize. If piston trombones do exist, they are rare and we generally refer to slide trombones.It is the one where the player slides part of the instrument. It is sharper than the tuba. The trumpet is more visually similar to tuba, but it is more acute also. The two are differentiated by their shape, with the tuba pipes more like a snake. There is also the horn, the saxophone, and many others, which we reserve for you for other tops.


    What are pistons and vanes?


    To play the notes, the tubist uses his lips, his breath, and his fingers. The pistons make it possible to vary the air inlets and thus modify the sounds. Depending on the model, the pistons are pressed directly, or they are activated by pressing the paddles which are connected to them. There is no better system than the other, and it is up to each player to choose what they prefer. Do not hesitate to try several models. Overall, it is believed that using paddles makes the game smoother, but feel more durable.


    What is a water key?


    Like all wind instruments, the tuba will require breath and even a lot of breath! This implies an accumulation of condensation in the instrument.

    To maintain it and for hygienic as well as sound reasons, it is necessary to purge this liquid. Water keys are like little hatches that you have to open regularly to flush out the water. Their quality should not be taken into detail, since they ensure the durability of the instrument.


    What is the pavilion?


    The pavilion is the tapered part at the end of the tuba. It is through this hole that the sound is propelled. There are different sizes, with a larger or smaller diameter, which affects the power of the game. Remember that the tuba is one of the most powerful sounding instruments.


    Is the tuba suitable for beginner musicians?


    As amazing as it sounds, the answer is yes! Many children are introduced to the tuba without having ever practiced any other instrument. For more reviews, interesting articles, visit the company website at to learn more and make the right decision on the best musical instruments to use.


    It is true that the instrument is heavy, bulky, requires great pulmonary capacities, but it seems that everything is acquired very quickly with regular practice.


    Remember of course to start with smaller and manageable models if you want to progress faster.