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Tuck End Boxes

  • Tuck end box packaging is classical and versatile, having quick assembling, display very well. These are generally product packaging boxes and widely used to imprint a good impression on the customers. The dominant feature of these boxes are opening and closing flaps, which gives a firm look to the box and safety to the product packed inside. This flap procedure helps the customers to easily open the box many times and convenient access to the product

    They are totally customized according to the demand of the consumer. Tuck end boxes are mostly designed in straight and reverse tuck carton styles, with customized Die-cut windows, hanging tabs, child-resistant locks, inside product partitions, highly defined printing and eye-catching UV finish complement the beauty of the boxes.

     Popular box in style

     1-Straight tuck end boxes(STE)

    Straight tuck end boxes are used for the packaging of cosmetic products and gift products. The straight tuck end boxes have tuck flaps on the top and bottom, but both tuck flaps are on the front side of the box which gives a pleasant, impressive, and the high quality feel to the box. This style of packaging is high cost but it can be fast assembled using little effort. With DIE cut window, embossing, debossing, foil stamping finish, and UV spotting made these boxes more wonderful. Custom STE box packaging is the ideal and perfect style for both heavy and light weighted cosmetic products like lip balm, eyeliners, mascara, perfumes, and many other products. More info

     2-Reversed tuck end boxes(RTE)

    Reverse tuck end boxes have tuck flaps on the top and bottom same as STE boxes but reversed tuck end boxes are a little bit different from STE boxes because of its flap formation. The difference is that both flaps are opposite to each other as the top tuck flap is on the right panel while the bottom tuck flap is on the rear panel. It’s one side panels can be glued inside to build a box. During manufacturing, these boxes left little wastage, therefore these boxes are less expensive than STE boxes. These boxes are not suitable for heavy products but they can easily handle lightweight products like pharmaceutical, software, health, and beauty products.

    3-Auto Lock Bottom

    Auto-lock bottom boxes are automated bottom lock and heavy-duty folding boxes that are used for packaging heavy products due to its strong bottom lock. These boxes are capable of saving in warehouses and for transportation due to its pre-glued bottom.

    4-Snap lock bottom

    Snap lock bottom boxes are widely used in various industries due to its 3 steps bottom closure process. These boxes can be made by various materials like e flute corrugated cardboards, Kraft paperboards, SBS paperboards, and white line chipboards. These boxes are stronger than Tuck Bottom Box and weaker than an auto-locked bottom box. Snap lock bottom boxes are less costly than those two styles of boxes. It takes some longer time for assembling these boxes by hand. Flat shipping reduces warehouse rent and transportation. Die-cut windows enhance the beauty of these boxes.

    5-Roll end tuck top

    Roll END Tuck Top boxes are also known as Sale Boxes because of its tapered sidewalls from front to back that helps the product more visible. It is very easy to display it anywhere on the cash counters and shelves.

    6-Five panel hanger

    Five Panel Hanger boxes are used for lightweight products. These boxes are a perfect idea for purchase packaging due to its huge space for advertising and easy for displaying anywhere.


    Custom Sleeve boxes are made by corrugated material. Matchbox style folding made these boxes more reliable and secure for the product. Tray combination gives these boxes a special effect.

    8-Header cards and bag toppers

    Custom header cards and bag toppers are printed on heavy cardboard material. These printed cards and toppers are used to staple the top of the product and polybags for hanging and handling.


    Gable boxes attract the attention of the consumer, having a great space for the product inside it and a lot of outer space for printing. This style of printing is mostly used for food products and gifts. These boxes can be configured with auto-lock and crash lock bottom.


1 comment
  • Dan Rogers