How to Set Up SuddenLink Email

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    SuddenLink is an Internet and cable service provider like AOL that gives users access to news, weather, entertainment and more. SuddenLink is also an email provider that allows users to have a SuddenLink account. Setting up an email account with SuddenLink is a simple process that will only take you few minutes to complete.

    Step 1 

    Go to the SuddenLink website (see Resources). Before the login to email on the left side of the page, click on the link that reads, "Don't have an account? SIGN UP NOW!" 

    Step 2 

    Create an account number with no spaces, and then type in a four-digit access code or pin number of your choice. Type in the word that is shown to you in the text box provided and click on the "Submit" button. Please note that if SuddenLink will not accept your information that it may not be available in your area. 

    Step 3 

    Add your personal information and preferences. You can also now create a password and specific username if you desire. 

    Step 4 

    Click on the "Complete" button to finish the sign-up process. You can select to add more features and web space if you desire. For this example, click the "No Thanks" option to continue with your free set-up. 

    Sign in to your SuddenLink email login from the front page of SuddenLink to make sure you have complete access.