How to find a person in the city by last name, first name and p

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    There are a few simple steps that, if you're lucky, can lead you to the right person. It is optimal that you know more about this person: for example, in what year he was born, where he studied or worked. Such dream finders careers will help to reduce search time and effort.

    You will need

    • - a computer,
    • - the Internet,
    • - databases on the inhabitants of the city,
    • - telephone,
    • - contact information of the city archive,
    • - the passport.


    Find all local portals and free classifieds sites in the city you need. And post a message about the wanted person there. Promise a reward. Even if it is symbolic, people will be more willing to share information with you.

    Look for databases on the inhabitants of this city on the Internet. This information is distributed for a fee and, as a rule, is not entirely legal. Bases with personal information of cellular and wired telephone subscribers, as well as with passport data, are suitable.

    File a police report. Especially when it comes to a loved one, the payment of alimony or some kind of offense. Law enforcement agencies have their own ways of searching for people. And do not neglect them.

    Contact the city archives to find out where the person you are looking for studied or worked in this city. As a rule, the application can be submitted not only in person, but also by mail or the Internet. Archive services are paid. Find out exactly how to submit a request to the organization on the website or by phone. Do not forget to clarify other conditions for the provision of services: terms, cost, the possibility of photocopying or photographing the documents you need. Also learn more about the list of public defenders Pensacola

    Find mutual friends in this city. Contact them for help, for any additional information. Perhaps the person you need has already moved, and you are looking in the wrong place. Not only people can help, but also organizations with which he dealt. For example, from a post on the forum of the school website, you can find out that your former classmate has been living in Turkey for a long time.

    Find out with the help of the city certificate the phone numbers of those organizations where the wanted person studied or worked. Call and find out how you can get information from them. Sometimes a phone call is sufficient, while some organizations may require a letter or a formal request.

    Go yourself to a city you know. You can find out much more on the spot. But before the trip, you need to do some preparatory work. Specify  the address and phone numbers of those who can be contacted. Make an appointment in advance for a personal meeting. Often it is eye to eye that you can find out what will put you on the trail.

    Contact the address bureau in this city. After presenting a passport, information about the place of registration of residents is given here. If your person does not live at this address, talk to your neighbors. They can tell you where to look next.

    Go to local popular newspapers and talk to journalists. If you tell a touching or dramatic story that they then use in their publication, then you will be helped. Journalists have their own connections in various circles, including in law enforcement agencies.