Delhi Metro and Its Route Map Details

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    Delhi metro rail is also governed by the railways authorities of India. The project of Delhi metros have been introduced in the planning period of development of infrastructure. Delhi metro rail is the most secure and efficient mode of transportation. They are more punctual as compared to other sources of railways. The new and innovative technology has been imported from foreign countries. The compartment of Delhi Metro has been designed to carry sufficient numbers of passengers. DMRC authorities regulate the timings of arrival and departure of Delhi metro rail. Delhi metro introduced the new mode of infrastructure to help the cities for various reasons. Delhi metro reduces the traffic problems almost from the roadways. Delhi Metro Map Details wil help you to know about all the location of metro map.

    Delhi metro rail is using underground subway tracks to reduce the problem of traffic on the road. There are 10 Delhi metros stations on every 13.01 km stretch which carry maximum passengers for their destination. The fares of Delhi Metro are very reasonable which generally every passenger could afford Delhi metro tickets.