How to Create an NPWP In Indonesia: A Step-by-Step Guide

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    In this digital age, it's essential to have proper documentation for various financial and legal purposes. One such crucial document in Indonesia is the NPWP (Nomor Pokok Wajib Pajak), also known as the Taxpayer Identification Number. Whether you're a business owner or an individual, having an NPWP is a mandatory requirement. This article will guide you through the process of creating an NPWP or cara membuat NPWP in Indonesia, step by step.

    Understanding the NPWP

    What is an NPWP?

    The NPWP is a unique 15-digit identification number assigned to individuals and businesses for tax purposes in Indonesia. It is essential for various financial transactions, including opening bank accounts, buying property, and filing tax returns.

    Why Do You Need an NPWP?

    Having an NPWP is a legal requirement in Indonesia. Without it, you may face difficulties in conducting financial transactions and may even incur penalties for non-compliance with tax regulations.

    The Process of Obtaining an NPWP

    Step 1: Gather Required Documents

    To begin the process of obtaining an NPWP, you'll need the following documents:

    • Identification Card (KTP): Your original and a photocopy.
    • Family Card (Kartu Keluarga): If applicable.
    • Employment Certificate: For employees.
    • Business Registration Certificate: For business owners.
    • Proof of Address: Utility bills or rental agreements.

    Step 2: Visit the Tax Office

    Once you've gathered the necessary documents, visit your nearest tax office. It's advisable to check the office's operating hours in advance.

    Step 3: Fill Out the NPWP Application Form

    At the tax office, request the NPWP application form. Fill it out accurately, providing all required information.

    Step 4: Submit Your Application

    Submit the completed application form along with the required documents to the tax office's designated counter.

    Step 5: Biometric Data and Photograph

    You will need to provide your biometric data (fingerprints) and have your photograph taken at the tax office.

    Step 6: Interview

    In some cases, tax officials may conduct a brief interview to verify your information.

    Step 7: Wait for Approval

    After submitting your application, you will need to wait for your NPWP to be processed and approved. This can take a few weeks.


    Obtaining an NPWP in Indonesia is a crucial step for both individuals and businesses. It not only ensures compliance with tax regulations but also facilitates various financial transactions. By following the steps outlined in this guide, you can successfully create your NPWP and enjoy the benefits it offers.


    1. Is having an NPWP mandatory in Indonesia?

    • Yes, it is mandatory for both individuals and businesses.

    2. How long does it take to get an NPWP?

    • The processing time can vary but typically takes a few weeks.

    3. Can I apply for an NPWP online?

    • Currently, the application process is primarily done in person at a tax office.

    4. Are there any fees associated with obtaining an NPWP?

    • There may be nominal fees, but they are relatively low.

    5. Can I use my NPWP for all financial transactions?

    • Yes, you can use your NPWP for various financial and legal transactions in Indonesia.