With composite deckings, there's almost no upkeep cost, in dollars or man-hours. You won't spend a dime on water-sealant or stain, because there's no need to treat or restain composite wood. You'll only need to sweep off leaf litter in the fall, and hose the deck down when it gets too dusty. fir decking per linear foot. And when you factor in the increase in property value and quality deck brings to your home, it makes even more financial sense to go with a composite wood decking system. How is a composite decking system good for my kids? Most kids hate wearing shoes, right? composite wood deck on a house. Meaning that in summertime, you're constantly on the lookout for wood splinters and burned feet - if you've got a wood deck. But since a composite decking system won't splinter, warp or heat up in the sun, you won't have to worry. Kevin Ott writes about home improvement projects (like deck construction, basement remodeling and mold removal) and a wide variety of other topics. He writes for dozens of clients, including Sequoia Supply, the premier supplier of decking material in the Northeast.order composite roof shingle.