7 Food Tips to Overcome Premature Ejaculation

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    7 Food Tips to Overcome Premature Ejaculation
    Andrology clinics want to share 7 food tips to overcome premature ejaculation which is very detrimental to both partners if having intimate relationships takes only a short time, about 1-2 minutes. Well, what are the tips that can overcome these problems without having to have medical assistance? The following tips:


    1. Consumption of eggs, of course, is no stranger to these foods which can unwittingly overcome premature ejaculation.
    2. Brown rice cooked into brown rice because it is rich in fiber.
    3. Red and white onions, of course, every meal has one of them.
    4. Avocado, if you don't like to be eaten without processing it can be juice.
    5. Asparagus, for a long time many have consumed it because it is rich in vitamin E.
    6. Carrots, in every vegetable there must be a mixture of carrots, or you can juice it.
    7. Bananas, can be processed into fried bananas or consumed in full.


    Overview of Understanding Premature Ejaculation
    If for 7 food tips to overcome premature ejaculation above, it can be practiced properly, if it feels there is no change in overcoming premature ejaculation, you can contact our medical staff through a free online consultation service by clicking on one of the image options.

    Premature ejaculation is a problem that is too fast for a man to remove sperm when having sex. The advice from Raphael's medical clinic is to discuss with us the problem of premature ejaculation, to use therapy or to be given several consumption drugs that help speed up the completion of premature ejaculation.