AOL Favorite Places are missing from my list

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    AOL Email login

    AOL is a Desktop service provider. It offers excellent services due to which people appreciate it so much. AOL has given AOL Desktop Gold and AOL email to the people. Both the products are given by AOL is highly recommended to use. AOL Desktop Gold is a Desktop software, which gives all the desktop requirements like a web browser, email, media streaming and much more, at one place.

    AOL software has a web browser in which you can make save the web pages you like as favorites. So, in the future, it will be easy for you to visit that site. But what if the favorites you have created gone missing? No idea? Don’t worry, read this blog and know the steps to retrieve the missing AOL favorite places. Also, you can get to the  aol email sign in errorteam and share your problem with a team of experts. The team of experts has professionally trained techies, who are capable to give you the solution of an issue with AOL services.

    My Favorite places are missing from my list

    Favorite places in the AOL automatically gets synchronized between AOL Desktop user and the AOL server. That means, automatically go with you to any AOL Desktop client you use. If you are unable to find your favorites, try given below steps to retrieve them.

    1. Check connectivity: Open some other websites on your computer and check, you are not facing any issue with the internet. Check that your internet connection is connected with the router. If you are not able to open any website that means your internet connection is dealing with conflicts. Fix the internet issue or if you are not able to do that, then talk with your internet operator.
    2. Check the webmail: If you have fixed your internet issue. Then, go to the AOL sign-in page and log in with your AOL account. Once you get access into your account, check the favorites you have created. If they are in their place, then well and good. If not, perform reinstall process of AOL Desktop Gold software.
    3. Reinstall AOL Desktop Gold: Go to the ‘programs and feature’ in control panel. Then choose to uninstall the AOL Desktop Gold software. Then again install AOL Desktop Gold on your computer.

    Hope, these methods will take you out from your problem. But if the problem still persists, then call on Frontier email login and talk to techies. Share your problem with these techies and get the exact solution of your problem. These techies are 24X7 available to help the AOL users.

    Ref url:-  AOL Favorite Places are missing from my list

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