Fix Internet not Working

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    Your internet usage, whether it is for streaming TV, playing online games, working from home, or some combination of these, comes to an abrupt and painful halt once your Wi-Fi goes out. It's not ideal if your Wi-Fi security cameras, smart light switches, and other connected gadgets go offline due to an internet outage while you're gone.

    While there isn't much you can do to prevent an internet outage while you're away from home, it is usually quite quick and easy to troubleshoot and fix minor service interruptions. Here are the most frequent causes of internet outages and, if applicable, solutions.

    If your Netflix connection drops mid-show, try whether any other streaming services are still available and functional. If so, Netflix is probably to blame, not your internet connection, for the issue. It's possible that the smart TV or streaming device is to blame if you're having trouble connecting to other streaming services. If you can, try streaming on a different device to be sure the problem isn't with your internet connection.

    Your modem, router, or other device is most likely to blame when your home internet stops working. Often, the answer is as easy as restarting your equipment by unplugging it, giving it around ten seconds to settle, then plugging it back in and letting it reset. This will almost always stop your outage.

    Instead of clicking or holding any buttons on the router, I'd advise reducing power by unplugging it before resuming it. By doing so, you can cause a hard reset of the device, wiping out your Wi-Fi network settings and restoring it to its default settings. Although the reset will probably restore your internet connection, you'll also need to set up your Wi-Fi once more.

    Remember that your smartphone can have a battery backup as well. If your modem or router's lights stay on after you unplug it from the power source, check to see if any batteries are attached, and remove them momentarily before restarting your equipment.

    For more info visit: Why is my Internet not Working