Podcast Coaching

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    Choose your desired level of podcast coaching:

    Podknows offers a few packages for those wanting to learn how to produce a professional-sounding podcast that gets results, whichever stage you are at with your podcast!

    Who can benefit from this podcast coaching?

    Using my three decades of experience planning and delivering audio content, youêll learn how to quickly become known as a thought-leader within your space.

    There are a lot of popular misconceptions about podcast marketing.

    Most could be generating way better results.

    Make sure you stand out from your competitors and learn how to work with your dream customers, who can't wait to buy from you.

    Want to create an effective and professional podcast marketing campaign that you can shape and adapt as your needs change and your confidence grows?

    Using my three decades of experience planning and delivering audio content, you learn how to quickly become known as a thought-leader within your space.

    There are a lot of popular misconceptions about podcast marketing.

    Most could be generating way better results.

    Make sure you stand out from your competitors and learn how to work with your dream customers, who canêt wait to buy from you!

    What most people with ideas for a podcast fail to realise is the importance of planning.

    The difficult part of creating a successful podcast that will offer you a return on your investment (ROI) is figuring out how to ensure people will want to actually listen to it.

    Anyone can start a podcast at any time.

    Thereês such a low barrier to entry when it comes to starting a podcast, itês little wonder that so many people have a podcast factored into their overall marketing strategy for the coming year.

    Most of these end up being rushed, amateurish sounding messes that ultimately podfade due to boredom and lack of instant gratification due to limited numbers of listeners.

    Most of the marketing messages centred around launching a podcast appear to be focused on the excitement of the new podcast idea.

    However, with nearly three million podcasts already out there, and thousands of new shows being released every day, thereês no such thing as a totally new podcast idea.

    So how do you win the battle for podcast attention?

    You have to know what youêre doing, and plan a podcast strategy.

    You also have to make sure that what your new listeners are hearing actually sounds good!

    This is where Podknows Podcasting can seriously help you.

    Solving your podcast discovery problem

    Do you have a plan for how people are going to find your podcast to listen to it in the first place?

    If not, you need one.

    It should be one of the first things you consider before you even begin hitting the record button for your podcast.

    The good news is, with some podcast coaching from Podknows, you know how to seriously tap into that sixty percent of new podcast listeners who are just stumbling across content through search.

    Read more about Podcast Coaching.