Prostate Cancer- Causes, Symptoms & Treatment: Dr. Niren Rao

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    Prostate cancer is one of the most common cancers that affect males and is caused when the cells in the prostate grow uncontrollably and abnormally. The prostate looks like a walnut-shaped organ that contributes fluid to semen and aids in the expulsion of semen during ejaculation. Adenocarcinomas, which develop from the prostate glandular cells, are often slow-growing. They might produce symptoms requiring prompt treatment, such as restricting urination or sexual function.


    In this article, Dr. Niren Rao, an experienced urologist, discusses prostate cancer in detail. He is a renowned urologist who is known for performing effective Prostate Cancer Treatment in DelhiRead on for more insights.


    What is a Prostate? 


    The prostate is a small gland that appears similar to a walnut. It is part of the male reproductive system. The prostate is located in front of the rectum and below the bladder (the end section of the large bowel). 


    What Causes Prostate Cancer? 


    According to diagnostic rates, prostate cancer is most often caused by advanced age, caused in males who have a family history of prostate, breast, ovarian, colon, or pancreatic cancer. It also appears due to poor lifestyle factors, such as smoking, being overweight, and poor nutrition. 


    What are the Signs and Symptoms of Prostate Cancer? 


    Prostate cancer can be indicated through urinary symptoms. However, the symptoms are rare. Even early-stage cancer can be asymptomatic. It is important for men to get examined even if they observe no symptoms.

    • Weak flow of urine

    • Urge to urinate, especially during the night

    • Difficulty in peeing

    • Facing trouble in emptying the bladder


    Some more generalized symptoms of prostate cancer include the following:


    • Fatigue

    • Weakness in the feet or leg

    • Pain in the lower back or pelvic region

    • Dizziness


     Similarly, a man with prostate cancer might not experience any of these signs and symptoms. To learn more about the symptoms of prostate cancer, book a consultation with Dr. Niren Rao, the best Urology Doctor in Delhi at Dr. Niren Rao’s Urology Practice.


    How is Prostate Cancer Treated? 


    Various treatments are available for men with prostate cancer at Dr. Niren Rao’s Urology Practice, which might be used at different times depending on the cancer stage, the patient's age, and overall fitness level.


    1. Active Surveillance and Watchful Waiting

    For some patients, prostate cancer grows very slowly due to the early stage and grade of the disease. For such cases, a urologist recommends either active surveillance or watchful waiting.


    Active Surveillance: The patient is kept under observation, and the urologist indicates no treatment. Treatment is initiated if the test indicates that the tumour is growing at any stage.


    Watchful Waiting: The doctor advises this when one may not be well enough to undergo surgery. Patients get treated when symptoms arise due to an enlarged prostate.


    2. Prostate Cancer Surgery: 


    A surgical procedure called radical prostatectomy in Delhi involves the removal of the complete prostate gland at an early stage of prostate cancer.


    3. Radiation Therapy


    Radiation therapy for prostate cancer in Delhi is an option for patients with early-stage cancer who wish to avoid surgery. Radiation can reduce tumours or alleviate symptoms in more difficult situations.


    4. Chemotherapy


    Chemotherapy drugs can be given either orally or through injections. It is used to target the cancerous cells that have spread from the prostate to different areas of the body.


    5. Hormone Therapy


    Prostate cancers grow because of testosterone. The body generates less testosterone when one takes medication or undergoes an orchiectomy, which involves surgically removing the testicles. Hormone therapy may assist in reducing tumors or the slowed growth of cancer cells that remain after radiation or surgical treatment.


    6. Treating Cancer Spread to Bones


    Prostate cancer can even spread to the bones, leading to severe bone aches. One can experience pathological fractures in the bones as a result. In such a case, bisphosphonates are used to alleviate the pain and strengthen the bones to prevent pathological fractures. The pain can also be relieved with radiation therapy.


    Final Takeaway


    Dr. Niren Rao is an expert urologist and one of the best Prostate Cancer Specialists in Delhi. With the blend of conventional robotic techniques and his skilled team, he ensures that his patient lives long and healthy life. 


    To learn more about the various options to treat prostate cancer, book a consultation with Dr. Niren Rao at  Dr. Niren Rao’s Urology Practice or Delhi Urology Hospital. Consult today!