Information and facts about hearing loss
Do you feel that the world around is too soft? It seems like everyone you talk to is like they're mumbling? It could be that you have hearing loss.
What percentage of people suffer from hearing loss?
Over 5% of the world's population have a hearing impairment that negatively impacts their quality life. Of those 34 million, a majority are children. They have the lowest income.
15% of people with hearing loss are found in countries with high incomes, such as Germany or the US. 0.22% of the US population have a profound to severe hearing impairment, i.e. They are often called "deaf" in a colloquial way.
In the most developed nations, approximately one child out of 1,000 is born deaf, and around one-third of adults older than 65 have age-related hearing loss.Why do I suffer from hearing loss?
Sometimes, children are born with a hearing impairment. This is known as congenital hearing loss.
If you have hearing loss that occurs later in your life The term acquired is applied.
Children with hearing loss suffer from prelingual hearing loss who are deaf and cannot speak.
Postlingual hearing loss is a condition where the hearing of a person is affected due to learning to speak.
If you have hearing loss in the family it could be a hereditary condition.
You can undergo an audiogram to find out whether your hearing is in good condition. There are several online tests that will help determine whether or not you suffer from hearing loss. You should see an ENT doctor or an audiologist to check whether your hearing loss is identified. They'll also be able tell the frequencies that you still hear, and which frequencies you're missing at various levels. The doctor will conduct tests to find out what caused the hearing loss and where the loss originated. These tests can help you to pinpoint the cause for your hearing loss and assist you in deciding what treatment options are available.
Many causes can cause hearing loss:
Ear infections and other ailments of the ear are often the cause of hearing loss.
Sometimes, hearing impairment may result from injuries like skull fractures.
There is also the possibility of hearing loss from serious conditions like meningitis during pregnancy or infectious diseases. Rarely, tumors can cause hearing loss.
The ear's outer or middle ear, as well as the inner ear prevent the ear from functioning properly, resulting in hearing loss.
You may also suffer hearing loss due to drugs. They are called ototoxic drugs and are sometimes used to treat serious illness.
Hearing loss can be caused by noise. loss. Hearing damage caused by noise may develop gradually, as excess sound causes irreparable damage to the inner the ear's nerve cells (cochlea). Aural trauma can cause hearing loss.
A lot of people suffer from hearing loss when they get older. Presbycusis, sometimes referred to as age-related is a form of hearing loss that can affect individuals who are as young as 40 to 50 years old. When the high frequencies start to diminish, it's referred to as presbycusis. Speech comprehension is first affected. It can cause difficulty in distinguishing between high pitched consonants like f (fish/dish), s (sorry), and d.
You can take a short online hearing test to see whether your hearing is deteriorating. Consult your ENT physician to conduct a more thorough hearing test. They'll guide you through the procedure in detail.
How does your hearing loss impact you?
You may experience hearing loss in your daily life. The degree of hearing loss can affect how loud the TV or radio plays. There are different levels of hearing impairment.
There are four levels of hearing loss.
Mild hearing loss
Moderate hearing loss
Severe hearing loss
Profound hearing loss
Decibels (dB), which is the unit of loudness, or the level of sound pressure is used to determine sound volume. Audiologists determine the volume at which sound has to be to hear it during a hearing test. Your hearing threshold is the tiniest sound that you can detect. This is the measure of the severity of your hearing loss.
Hearing loss: less than 20 dB
Mild 20 - 40 dB
Moderate: 41-70 dB
Severe: 71-90 dB
Profound: over 80 dB
Example: You may hear sounds below 50dB, but you won't hear the birds singing, leaves moving or other soft sounds.
People who have a moderate hearing loss might have difficulty discerning background noises or soft speech. People with mild hearing loss are able to hear better with hearing aids.
People with moderate hearing loss might be unable to comprehend speech at a conversational level (usually 60-65dB). Hearing aids, bone-conduction implants, or middle-ear implants based on the cause of hearing loss, can help you hear better.
A severe hearing impairment is when someone can't hear loud noises such as a siren or a lawn mower. The loss in hearing makes it difficult to understand speech at conversational levels. Based on the reason for hearing loss, people with a significant hearing loss are eligible for an implant for cochlear.
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People with a severe hearing loss are able to hear only extremely loud sounds like a plane taking off. They cannot hear speech, even if they're spoken to. Cochlear implants can be used to correct hearing loss depending on the cause.