Doing the Same Thing Delivers the Same Results

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    There are so many people that I have come across in this world that have complaints.  It's perfectly fine to have complaints and pain points.  But, why is it that these same people refuse to do anything about these pain points?  I'm not saying that none of these people take action, but I've found that there are way too many people that could benefit from a change.


    People are afraid of change or the unknown.  That's what I have come to find out from my research.  All of us are human and we all have certain things about us or the world that we want to change.  However, we spend our energy talking and talking and talking about these pain points, but we take little if any action. 


    I recently compiled a list of my pain points.  I used these pain points to create written goals with deadlines for myself which included action items.  You can always Google your pain points online and see what actions can be undertaken to improve upon these pain points and you can also be creative and come up with your own action items.  The point is that you must take action.  Talking about and doing are two totally different things.


    So, by doing the above, I have been able to conquer some of my pain points so that they are no longer pain points.  This exercise has put me on a path to changing some of my beliefs so that the next time a conversation crops up regarding one of my pain points, I don't have any negative emotions/thoughts about them.  In fact, I now have gravitated to more positive thoughts about these very pain points that were a source of frustration in the past.


    Initially, we may think that this is a silly exercise, but believe me, it works when you actually define and write down goals and take the necessary action steps to achieve your goals.  For those of you that decide to take part in this exercise, please share with me your experience.  I would love to hear from all of you.


    Take care and stay positive!